Saturday, October 29, 2005

Friday night poker fun!

Our DFW Poker Crew got together last night as Jason's house for a $20 buy-in tournament (short handed with only 6 people showing) and then afterwards 5 of us played some .10/.20 poker. It was one of my best nights with this crew because I went home with more than I brought. Usually I break even or bust out but this time I won the tournament which we let pay $60/$40/$20 and I made about $18 more than my $20 buy-in at the ring game. Both games I ended up short stacked and pretty much ready to call it quits when a few hands would finally go my way.

The best hands for me were probably near the end when I first got a straight flush with my 4h7h. The flop was a 3h6cqd and Jordan came out with like a half pot bet. Jason folds and I make a comment along the lines of "I am just going to call because I think this hand will piss you off." 5h hits the turn and I am feeling good...unless he had higher hearts in his hand and another one hits the river. I check to him and he checks. all I think before I nearly shit my pants as the 6h falls. I look at the board...look at my chips...count a few...and throw in $1. He quickly calls and throws over AJ (but not making the flush). I slowly turn over my straight flush with a look of shock on my face that I even made it.

I think Jordan was more annoyed after that hand and a few more pass when he throws in a $4 pre flop raise. Jason makes a few comments about "What if I have AA...I will have to go all in." Along with Jordan's reply of "Go ahead because I will be pushing all in too." Jason smirks and folds his cards as I look at mine and see AA. I look at Jordan and say "Well here is your chance because I am all in." At this point I have him on KK or QQ and after I flip my bullets over he shows QQ. An ace is the first card to hit the flop and I feel 100% better about them not getting cracked. BIG pot raked in. Now Jordan is really annoyed and ready to finish up his $3 stack or make a few quick bucks. He goes all in a few times causing Jason and I to fold until I hit 66. I raise knowing he will push if he has something and he does...with A9. My pocket pair stays top pair and I finish off Jordan and feel good about it since he has won most of our poker night tournies and ring games.

It was very fun and I even enjoyed ribbing Jason after his pre flop raise, calling a big reraise with 2c4c...and then catching his straight on the turn (or river). Jason is one lucky mofo and I make sure he knows it anytime he sucks out. Thanks for hosting the poker night again Jase and hopefully we can get a few more of the crew to show up next time.

Buy-in: $20
Cash out: $78
Net: +$58

This looked good until I read Dan's recent blog over at


Friday, October 28, 2005

Soul Caliber 3

Decided to spend some money on a new game for the wife and I to play. Soul Caliber 3 won over the new Pokemon game. So far it has been a lot of fun and we have enjoyed kicking the shit out of each other with our favorite characters from the past games. I like the create your own character option. I made a "Monk" based character who is albino and bright red hair. The only clothes he wears is his cool cape and purple underwear. Can not wait to unlock some of the other options and have more fun creating new folk.

All I need now are 32 friends that enjoy fighting games so we can have a huge tournament using the new Tournament feature.

I should finish up some of this work here at the office so I can leave soon. We are playing some poker at Jason's place tonight and it will just be a $20 buy-in tournament. Maybe I will finally place in one and go home with more money that I had at the beginning.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Poker fun for the whole family!

Thought it was about that time for something new in the blog I just had to start up.

Played some poker last night at the start of a new LAP season at The Lodge. A fun time was had by all and I must say that Dan did a great job in getting the Heads Up tourney put together and keeping it going like a pro tournament director.

I did to the 3rd round (or is it called the 3rd bracket?) before Zach Ballenger came back from a very crippled stack of about 18-20 in chips to take me out of the game. The worst hand for me was after he doubled up a couple times and then beat my flopped two pair (45o) with his top paired Q on the flop meeting his K kicker on the river after I put him all in. Was a nice call and he thought he had used up all his luck. He was wrong. Zach went on to beat 3 more people for the win! Ed Reese was second and I was really hoping to make it further in the tourney so I could battle it out with Ed.

Next week the regular poker tourney starts and I can not wait. The couple of games I played there at the end of last season were a blast and I am eager to start from the beginning. I think this is some of the best free poker out there and I would choose it over the APL or NPPL any day. Sign up starts at 3:30 and the game begins at 4:30 every Sunday! Come out if you live in the DFW area and show us what you got.
